School News

Georgia Instructor Continuing Education Program held December 2 and 3.

- Dec 07, 2010      Archive

Every year the Georgia Real Estate Educators Association and the Georgia Real Estate Commission have an annual real estate school meeting. The meeting is held at University of Georgia Continuing Education Conference Center in Athens, Georgia. The program is a two day affair with dinner and two lunches being served.

It is a very well run program with excellent breakout sessions for real estate school owners and educators. One of the programs I attended was Social Media put on by Brad Hanks.

Brad spoke about the importance of social media in today’s business world. I personally found the program most important for real estate schools and educators who are interested in expanding their online presents. As a result, Cooke Real Estate School will be making an effort to develop a Facebook fan page for students to be able to access school information.

Cooke Real Estate School is planning on launching this effort in the next couple of weeks and hopes to have both our current students and our alumni participating in this social media network with the school.

Lots of other interesting topics where presented and I will continue to discuss those programs in the next blog.

Frank Cooke
Cooke Real Estate School